Albert Jan Metselaar
graduate of Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam


What’s the current status on ‘conceptual thinking’? Marcel Duchamp was the first to direct major attention to the concept as did Comme des Garçons in fashion. One could argue that we all think in a conceptual manner, but on what level?


By creating a menswear collection, I was confronted with my constraints in conceptual thinking, but paradoxally at the same time, experienced endless freedom. My collection embodies a reaction to the traditional perception of mens fashion. Contemporary Rebels represents a modern view on mens fashion, which is inspired on the theme ‘FUCK THE CONTEXT’. My personal life philosophy of making concessions plays an important role. It’s a detailed research into the perfect balance between materials and contrasts; creating new shapes out of overly complicated or down to earth, simple patterns.

Coincidences in fittings influenced the design process. For example, pants that fitted too tight brought me to the idea of incorporating a sophisticated translation of an open fly in my final design.


During the design process I concluded that aesthetics are my constraints and that coincidences translate to freedom in my version of conceptual thinking. My collection portrays conceptual aesthetics of a contemporary rebel.


Photo: Liselotte Vollebregt