André Konings
graduate of Utrecht School of the Arts


André Konings,, graduated from Utrecht School of the Arts, was selected by the Dutch jury to participate in Lichting 2023.
LIMINAL: André presents a collection that delves into the realm of liminal spaces, drawing parallels to his identity as a blend of Dutch and Filipino heritage, existing fluidly between genders and identities. The enigmatic assortment of looks challenges conventional definitions, finding solace within the nebulous. Playing with the illusion of familiarity, he adorns the garments with prints that exude an elusive quality, as if poised to fade into the ether. These interpretations of online depictions of liminal spaces are captivating exaggerations, capturing an uncanny and mesmerizing essence. Each ensemble holds an enigmatic element, defying full understanding yet triggering a sense of familiarity. Influences converge within each garment, offering a gateway to a realm that blends clarity with the mystery of existence.